SBS Dean's Faculty Travel Fund

Description: The SBS Dean’s Faculty Travel Fund augments funding for presentations at conferences or workshops that advance faculty research agendas and career trajectories.   


Deadline:  Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on October 7 (for travel from August 19, 2024-January 14, 2025) and February 10 (for travel from January 15, 2025-August 15, 2025). You may apply for post-hoc expenses incurred before the application deadline within the eligible travel timeline.    


Eligible faculty include tenure track (eligible), continuing status (eligible), and career track who have 1.0 FTE appointments in SBS, with at least .40 FTE research in their standard workloads presenting at a conference or workshop to be eligible. (Faculty serving in solely a discussant or chair role are not eligible.) The presentation must focus on the faculty’s research (inclusive of creative activity and the scholarship of teaching and learning). Faculty with philanthropic, grant, or startup funding that could cover the proposed travel are required to use those sources first.  


Early- and mid-career faculty (assistant and associate professors) without start-up funds will be prioritized.   


Faculty may submit one proposal per competition cycle and receive a maximum of one award per academic year.  

Faculty may apply for funds up to $750. Faculty may not be funded for more than 100% for travel expenses from various funding sources.  We expect to be able to make 20 awards in academic year 2024-25.   

PIs should write proposals that are understandable to an interdisciplinary audience. The following criteria will be considered:  

  • Evidence of the proposed activity to initiate or expand research, scholarship, or creative activity.  

  • Impact of the proposed activity on the applicant’s career advancement, including progress toward promotion and tenure.  

Proposals will be reviewed by the SBS Dean’s designees. Decisions will be made within 20 business days of the application deadline.  

  • Cover sheet (electronic form) 

  • Presentation title and abstract (under 200 words, text box)  

  • Proposal narrative describing the significance of the presentation for advancing the faculty’s research and career (under 500 words, text box)  

  • Short CV (maximum of five-pages, PDF upload)  

  • Budget and justification. Include all expected expenses for the proposed travel, and all anticipated fund sources (including the Dean’s Travel Fund request).   (Excel template upload)  

  • Documentation of presentation invitation/acceptance (PDF upload)  

Submit Applications in Arizona Cultivate: 

Awards may be used to cover the following:  

  • Airfare  

  • Meals: Requested daily rates must not exceed those listed in the FSO Meals/Lodging Cost Index. Meal rates are listed in the posted manuals as “M&IE."  

  • Local transportation  

  • Event registration fees  

  • Workshop fees  

  • Poster printing fees  

  • Membership fees only if membership is required to attend the conference/event  


    Budget Template can be downloaded on Arizona Cultivate (follow the "Apply Here" button on the page above). 


Faculty should work with their business managers to develop the budget. Should the proposal be selected for funding, business managers will be asked to confirm that the submitted information on travel costs and available fund sources is correct.  

Within one month of the end date of the supported travel cycle (February 15 for Fall awards and September 15 for Spring awards), the PI must submit a brief final report via Arizona Cultivate, describing the supported activity and outcomes.   

Contact your business center for questions about travel costs and budget.  

Direct other questions to 

Last updated on August 27, 2024