Dr. Megan Carney Receives SBSRI Research Professorship

Congratulations to Dr. Megan Carney from the School of Anthropology who received a SBSRI Research Professorship.
Dr. Carney will work on her book in progress, Exit from the United States: Emigration, Carcerality, and Abolition Feminist Futures. This work explores heightened desires among U.S. citizens to leave the U.S. and analyzes their broader connections to systems of violence and psychosocial wellbeing. Dr. Carney makes the case for examining the experiences of aspiring/current emigrants alongside those engaged in grassroots, abolition movements in the U.S. as they correspond to contemporary struggles for freedom from interlocking forms of violence within the carceral state. She argues that as an ethnographic object, exit not only reveals the carceral logics that produce violence and constrain mobility, but also points to the possibilities for liberation.