Applications now being accepted for Inaugural Proposal Development Summer Institute for Early-Career Faculty

Jan. 7, 2020
The Russell Sage Foundation and the Economic Mobility and Opportunity program at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will sponsor the inaugural Proposal Development Summer Institute (PDSI), to be held at the University of Pennsylvania on May 31–June 6, 2020. The institute will bring together approximately 25 early career social science faculty interested in workshopping and developing research ideas into grant proposals. The organizers and principal faculty are Michael Jones-Correa (University of  Pennsylvania), Lorrie Frasure-Yokley (UCLA), and one organizer TBD. Faculty from all backgrounds and fields of study, especially applicants from groups currently under-represented in the social sciences are encouraged to apply. Applicants will be evaluated along the following dimensions: 1) career stage, 2) likelihood to benefit from participation, 3) likelihood to contribute to the educational experience of other participants, and 4) project relevance to Russell Sage Foundation program areas. Also, see funding priorities for specific areas of interest. Participation is restricted to tenure-track faculty within 7 years of their PhD who have not previously received support from the Russell Sage Foundation in the form of a Trustee or Presidential research grant or a visiting fellowship. Applications are due by February 25, 2020.