Update on FastLane/NSF Automated Compliance Checking
July 1, 2016
Effective 7/25/2016, all proposals submitted to NSF will be subject to a new series of automated compliance validation checks to ensure proposals comply with requirements outlined in the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide. The new set of automated compliance checks will trigger error messages for each of the following rules: 1. Biographical Sketch(es) and Current and Pending Support files are required for each Senior Personnel associated with a proposal; and 2. Biographical Sketch(es) can only be uploaded as a file, must not exceed two pages and can no longer be entered as text.
Note About Proposal File Update (PFU): Proposers should be aware should that if a proposal was received prior to July 25 and contained only one Biographical Sketch and/or Current & Pending Support file, a PFU addressing any section of the proposal will result in the proposal not being accepted if it does not comply with these new compliance checks. The checks will be run on all sections of the proposal regardless of which section was updated during the PFU.
Note About Grants.gov: Proposers should also be aware that Grants.gov will allow a proposal to be submitted, even if it does not comply with these proposal preparation requirements. Should NSF receive a proposal from Grants.gov that is not compliant, it will be returned without review.
The new set of compliance checks are in addition to the compliance checks that currently exist in FastLane. You can view a complete list of FastLane auto-compliance checks, by clicking here.