The UA Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill is seeking applicants for research seed funding!
The Desert Laboratory welcomes applications from any relevant research field, including, but not limited to, ecology, wildlife biology, public health, social science, archeology, and remote sensing.
Applications due December 25 by 5pm PST. Awards are available up to $4000 per project. Preference will be given to early career researchers and research proposals that leverage existing long-term datasets collected on the hill, including plant community data (since 1906), Saguaro population data (since 1909), and climate data (since 1903).
Application components:
A 3 page max project summary which must contain PI names and affiliations, project goals, methods, timeline, data management plan, and plans for extending research at the conclusion of the grant, if applicable (references, if included, do not count within the page limit)
A 1 page max outreach plan (all proposals must describe how project outcomes will be delivered to the non-science community of Tumamoc Hill, or Tucson, AZ in general)
A 1 page budget and budget justification.
Please direct any questions and proposals as a single PDF to Elise Gornish, Director, Desert Laboratory at Tumamoc Hill: