GIFT Center Grants for Lunch event on creating a "culture of fundraising"

May 4, 2012
When:  Monday, May 21 from 11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m. Where: Vine Avenue Annex, Room 102, 1125 N. Vine (SW corner of Helen & Vine) Please join the GIFT Center for the upcoming Grants for Lunch event: More Askers = More Money: How Everyone Can Participate in Building Philanthropic Partnerships Nationally known speaker, author, and community organizer Andy Robinson will share the lessons learned from a fundraising model that empowers all of the “human resources” (including YOU) involved in an organization. Learn how to: · Define and create a “culture of fundraising” within your colleges and units · Identify barriers, and create strategies to address them · Develop your comfort with “the ask” · Help train colleagues and volunteers on “how to ask” · Adapt the all-staff model to the specific needs and limitations of your group Kindly RSVP by May 16th to, providing names and titles of attendees in your RSVP note. Seating is limited. Bring your brown-bag lunch for this informal and free event for the UA community. Limited beverages and snacks are courtesy of the GIFT Center. The nearest available parking is at the Highland Parking Garage and there is plentiful Zone 1 parking nearby.